Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Closer Look At...

...Cary Grant

1. Born January 18, 1904 in Bristol, England.

2. Ran away to the circus at age 13 to be a juggler.

3. Cary’s mother was put in an institution when Cary was 9. He was told she was on holiday and did not see her again until he was in his mid twenties.

4. Was signed to Paramount in 1932.

5. Legal changed his iconic name in 1941. Good-bye Archie, hello Mr. Grant.

6. Gave his entire salary from “The Philadelphia Story” to the British was effort.

7. James Bond was created with Cary in mind.

8. Has always been rumored to have a romantic life long relationship with best pal Randolph Scott. Kat Hepburn said once she saw them kissing in a parking lot. They owned a house in Malibu and would live there whenever either one of them was in between marriages. You be the judge.

9. Took lots of LSD for “therapy” reasons.

10 Stated that “Father Goose” was the role he played that was most like him. 

Happy Birthday Hollywood boyfriend!

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