Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Noir Greatness: Double Indemnity

I'm not sure you can call yourself an oldie film fan until you have seen this noir classic. Written by Billy Wilder, along with Raymond Chandler, and James M. Cain in 1944, it stars Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, and Edward G. Robinson. Directed by Mr. Wilder and produced (uncredited by the way) by Buddy G. DeSylva and Joseph Sistrom. The scene opens to Walter Neff (MacMurray) walking into his bosses' office after having a troublesome night to record the story as of late, the story of how he murdered a man for money and a broad, and how it ended up hurting him in the end.

As his story begins we see the spectacular Spanish house that Stanwyck's character, Phyllis lives in with her insatiable husband. This house is a great example of the beauty that Los Angeles was in the 1940's . 

With all that is torn down and demolished in Hollywood, it pleases me to say that the house is still there and virtually unchanged with exception to the garage door and some landscaping. 

Neff sells insurance and as the maid lets him in he gets a glimpse of Phyllis in a towel. She is half naked but gets dressed to come and see what Neff is all about. Right away Neff wants more than just to sell insurance. 

Neff gives her the sales pitch with some quick witted flirting, perfectly written by Wilder and team, and perfectly executed by MacMurray and Stanwyck. She mentions she wants accident insurance for her hubby but that she doesn't want him to know about it. She tells him to come back in a few days when her husband is supposedly going to be home. Neff thinks she is up to something but doesn't care as he practically drools out the door. 

Neff tries to concentrate at work but can't stop thinking about Phyllis. Boss Barton Keyes played masterfully by Robinson and Neff talk insurance business. Keyes is no nonsense and relies on his gut to help him decide which insurance claims are fraud and which ones are legit. You don't mess with Edward. 

 Before Neff can plan his next move, Phyllis shows up at his place. I don't want to give too much away, so if you haven't seen the film yet, beware. This is a rare oldie that keeps you on the edge of your seat, so this is your official spoiler alert! Needless to say as the sparks fly a plan is hatched to knock off the husband, make it look like an accident, collect insurance money, and live happily ever after.

The plan seems to work until Keyes hears about it and gets that gut feeling.

Neff is super paranoid and after a few close calls he only wants to meet Phyllis at the grocery store. 

A great set designed by Davis S. Hall and his art department team at Paramount including Hans Dreier, Hal Pereira, and Bertram Granger. Together these men earned a total of 48 Oscar nominations and 6 wins in their careers. They know their stuff!

Phyllis goes for the "discrete" look by wearing sunglasses indoors. 

Tensions starts to rise as Neff is worried the plan is going to fail and Phyllis gets mad that Neff won't hang out with her unless they are purchasing food. 

Their love is being complicated by Neff's paranoia, his boss, and the attention that Phyllis desires as she chose him over her late husband. The pressure is intense for Neff and he finds himself not sure what to do. A definite cliff hanger, which is rare in old films, that you will have to watch to find out.

Wilder had no trouble getting male lead for this part, many wanted it including George Raft, Alan Ladd,  and Dick Powell. Wilder wanted Barbara but she was worried about her reputation playing an adulteress. Wilder asked her," Are you an actress or a mouse?" She was so furious she signed on that instant.  Edward didn't want the part as he was far from the lead, but after learning he was receiving the same salary as Barb and Fred he agreed, and we are all glad he did. He might have been third billing, but his intensity brought to the film makes it all the more suspenseful. A fun goof in this film is where Neff and Phyllis first kiss. You get a glimpse of Fred's personal wedding ring on his finger, as in reality he was married to wife Lillian Wehmhoener for 17 years until her death. It wasn't noticed until post production. Ohhps! Double Indemnity was nominated for 7 Academy Awards for Barbara, and Billy, including best picture, but it won none, losing to Going My Way for best picture. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Screen Debuts and Last Hurrahs: The Stylish World of Cedric Gibbons

My mind was racing as this blog-a-thon topic was announced. So many to choose from! We all have a list of favorite actors, actresses, and directors from the golden era. I decided to mix it up and write what brings me much joy; the art directors. I always mention them, as production design is something I worked in and is still a passion of mine. So what better than to write about the art director of all art directors. The man behind the team that shaped our favorite films, influenced design that went way beyond the set, and became iconic in film history. This is Cedric Gibbons' first and last film. 

I have blogged about Gibbons before, as he was the head of art direction at MGM during MGM's heyday. Cedric's father was an architect and after studying art, he followed his father's footsteps and worked as a draftsman before getting his first art job with Edison Studios before Edison sold the company in 1918.

Gibbons served in WWI, then got a job with Goldwyn Studios, which later formed into MGM in 1924. Gibbons' knowledge of architecture and design was useful when 1925's Ben Hur was being filmed under Irving Thalberg, and he proposed the use of the "up and coming" wave that is art deco. 


From there he would work for MGM until his retirement in 1956. He earned 11 Academy Awards and 37 nominations, although many awards were more or less for members in the art department rather than his individual work on each film, which was 1,500 by the end of his career. His early contract stated that any film released by the studio would have his name attached. But without his work, MGM would not have been such a powerhouse, and film would not have been as spectacular without Gibbons' eye for design. Some of the many well known films with his work (and his equally stellar set director Edwin B. Willis)  are The Patsy, Grand Hotel, When Ladies Meet, The Great Ziegfeld, The Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, The Women, The Thin Man films, High Society, the list could go on. 

But where it all started was with a silent film ...

The first film for Gibbons was 1918's The Unwritten Code. Directed by Bernard J. Durning, who also co- wrote the film. It follows a love triangle between Japanese Kiku-San, played by Durning's then wife, not Japanese Shirley Mason. Also on board are Dick Tower, played by Matt Moore, and Margaret, played by Ormi Hawley. Kiku-San plays the heroine and is in love with Tower. As a result of her drunk father running up a hefty bill at the geisha house, she is willingly given up as payment. Tower tries to rescue her, but in doing so is looked down upon by his peers. He starts canoodling with Margaret. Kiku-San sees the distress she is causing Tower, and his affections for Margaret. She lets her love go so that he can find happiness while she sacrifices her own.





Also featuring Frank O'Connor as Tower's not so loyal friend, and Japanese actor T. Tamamoto as Kiru-San's irresponsible father, this is one of the last films shot by Edison's production company. Before completion, the film had several working titles including Aliens, and The Wall Invisible.  

Gibbons' design is a work in progress, his signature grandiose sets are not yet present, but the scenes are beautiful, with paper shades, draping flowers, traditional Japanese rooms, and clean, straight lines. His use of art deco might not have come through in this film, as it was before the 1920s, and the storyline and location would make it out of place. 

Fast forward four decades; a great depression, several wars, new presidents, the invention of talkies, and Cedric Gibbons is still showing his talent at MGM. He even designed the Oscar statuette! His final film was 1956's The Opposite Sex, which comes full circle as it is a remake that showcased some of Gibbon's best work, 1939's The Women.

If you have not seen The Women, you should, it's one of the best. The Opposite Sex follows a very parallel storyline. Directed by David Miller, even some characters have the same names as the original. While it is a good film, it does not come close in comparison. There is the famous slap scene, but Joan Crawford even was quoted as saying the original "towered over the remake".  The players are June Allison, Joan Collins, Joan Blondell, Ann Miller, Ann Sheridan, and Charlotte Greenwood in her last film. But this time there are men on screen, mainly Leslie Nielsen, Jeff Richards, and Bill Goodwin, while Harry James plays himself.

In The Women, it was the heyday of the 1930s style. Gibbons displayed art deco sets with vaulted ceilings, and curved staircases. He and Edwin B. Willis' signature East Coast cottage home makes up the lead character's, with the maid's kitchen displaying all that is needed to host a fabulous luncheon, and lets not forget the infamous clear bathtub! In The Opposite Sex, the sets are now in color. Bright backdrops, filmed in Metrocolor, with smartly decorated sets of blues, greens, and pinks. It's the 1950s now, so many sets have muted greys paired with peach and cornflower blue which was very "in" thanks to Gibbons and his team. Add glamorous gowns by Helen Rose and it's candy to the eyes. The style had changed, but Gibbons' eye is still present.






What makes Cedric Gibbons my favorite is that he had such an eye. I am a huge fan of art deco, and Gibbons showed it well. Some films may have looked over the top, or maybe a bit unrealistic. But Gibbons always had a vision. Imagine if Dorothy followed a brick road that wasn't yellow, or Scarlett O'Hara lived without the grand rooms of Tara. Gibbons helped make MGM what it was, the king of studios, and someone had to show them how it was done. Gibbons is quoted as saying, "When I find things I like I see no reason to change them." Agreed, Cedric, agreed. 


Thursday, April 4, 2024

1945's Scarlet Street

Scarlet Street is  one of those noir films that slips through the cracks. A great film that I feel gets lost amongst other noir classics. Starring Edward G. Robinson and Joan Bennett, with director Fritz Lang at the helm, this film is based on a French novel by Georges de La Fouchardiere titled, "The Bitch". 

Robison plays Chris who is going though a bit of a mid life crisis and has recently been honored for his 25 years of service as a cashier. He gets a gold watch, some slaps on the back, and he heads home to his wife.

On the way home he witnesses a guy knocking around a lady on the street. Being the nice guy that he is, he breaks them up and then runs for help as the damsel in distress yells at him not to.

Ouch! She might need a cold steak for that shiner but at least her outfit is protected from the rain!

When the fuzz comes to help out Kitty, played by Bennett, she plays if off and the man gets away. Chris takes her out for a drink instead, and he quickly starts to fancy Kitty. In conversation Kitty comes to think Chris is loaded which is far from the truth. The next day we learn that Kitty and her accused are actually a couple. They hatched a plan to scam Chris by having Kitty pretend she is a struggling actress.

Meanwhile we learn Chris lives with a witch of a wife who nags him and makes him cook and clean. Chris's escape? Painting. His wife and even his boss think his work is crap but Chris doesn't care. 

Let's take a break here and notice the bathroom. Floral wallpaper, pedestal sink, and the cup with a daisy in it. All of this 1945 eye candy is  courtesy of art director Alexander Golitzen, an 11 time Oscar nominee and 3 time winner who definitely knows his stuff. 

When the wife wants his artwork out of the house,  he rents a place to put it and Kitty goes with it. Little does Chris know, but Kitty's boyfriend is living there too. Chris is in love but Kitty is having a hard time acting like she likes him. The charade keeps up for a while until Chris can no longer pay Kitty's expenses.

I'll just pretend this old guy is William Holden instead...

Kitty's boyfriend, who is still slapping her around, decides to try and sell Chris's paintings for some cash. To his surprise, the art gets sold and when some rich art dealers come looking for the artist to these amazing paintings Kitty takes the credit!

Much to everyone's surprise the art is selling like hotcakes. Chris finds out and so does his wife, so he also has to play off Kitty as the artist to keep his marriage together. Money is still tight and Chris starts stealing from work. Little does he know that all Kitty's love is an act, but she is getting tired of pretending.

When Chris discovers his marriage is not going to work out,  he goes to Kitty to ask for her hand in marriage and she lets him know the truth. Chris is furious and goes after her with an ice pick!

What happens next you'll have to watch and see. What happens to Kitty and her boyfriend? Will Chris learn the whole truth? What about his now famous work?

I think this portrait of Kitty looks more like Hedy Lamarr!

The artwork done for this film was by John Decker and the Museum of Modern Art in New York held an exhibit in 1946. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

From 1943, The Gang's All Here

If technicolor and over sized fruit are your thing, then 1943's The Gang's All Here is for you. Part of Twentieth Century Fox's Latin phase with Busby Berkeley at the helm, The Gang's All Here is a showcase of over the top musical numbers, colorful wardrobes thanks to Yvonne Wood, and plenty of drama. Our players are Alice Faye and James Ellison with the always entertaining Charlotte Greenwood and Carmen Miranda. This film follows your typical love story with entertaining dance numbers pieced in between. While entertaining, this film starts to become a contest to see how many crazy outfits Carmen Miranda can wear in one film. But let's take a closer look...

Andy (Ellison) is a solider and has a long time honey, Vivian(Sheila Ryan). Before shipping out, Andy meets Edie (Faye) while she is working her gig at the night club. We see the first of many shows starring Carmen Miranda as she parades around with bananas and Brazilian men. Andy follows Edie around and won't leave her alone after she tells him she isn't interested. After a ride on the Staten Island Ferry, she gives in and changes her mind.

"I have two girlfriends now!"

"You don't say!"

After a few hours of romance, Edie falls hard. Andy forgets to tell his girlfriend about his new love and ships off to war. Edie is devastated, but the show must go on.

Is that a hat or a scarf?

 Andy is coming home after winning some medals, and his rich father wants to throw a war bond fundraiser when he finds out. He hires the club to come stay at his partner Potter's estate while they iron out the fundraiser details.  Potter (played by Edward Everett Horton whom I always enjoy) only drinks lemonade and is a bit of a square. He objects to this swinging party but is talked into it. Potter's daughter also happens to be Andy's girlfriend Vivan. Following along?

I'm wearing more color! No, I am!

Vivian rocking the two belt look.

The show finally gets underway and Edie finds out that her man is also Vivian's man. She is upset but doesn't tell sweet Vivian. Dorita (Carmen Miranda) does her best to keep this a secret. Vivian is excited because she gets to be in the show after mother blackmails her hubby into allowing it.

Andy returns home and the evening gets started. Busby Berkeley does his magic and puts on quite a show. 

Before the end, Edie learns her fate. A definite bonus is that of Benny Goodman and his orchestra playing themselves. Berkeley was on loan from MGM to make this film, and the first for him using the three strip technicolor process. He does not hold back. The colors in this film are fantastic, whether it be the many gowns, sets by Thomas Little, who did one of my favorite film sets, Leave Her To Heaven