Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tut-Tut, It Looks Like Rain

It's raining in my neck of the woods today. A bit early for a storm I think. After all, it is only the 5th of October. But as I sit here in my Uggs I think how adorable can our favorite oldies make being in the rain look? Let's find out.

Jayne and her pup staying dry.

Ahh Cary. Making rain look so good.

Donald O'Connor, Stanley Donen, and Jean Kelly with their tiny umbrellas.

Charlie Chaplin, wishing he was more prepared.

Errol Flynn thinking no rain will ruin my parade!

No, no Marilyn, the rain is outside.

Buster and an umbrella fail.

Julie Andrews and 7 years bad luck for opening that 
thing up inside.

Stay dry!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Picture Of The Day

Betty Grable and Jackie Coogan having some fun. 
Where are your bowling shoes Betty?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Turban Tuesday

Seeing a fabulous old lady in the supermarket the other day wearing a stylish black turban made me wonder. Leave them in the past, or bring back to life? These gals(and boy)make me think that maybe that little old lady was on to something...

Greta matching hers to a satin rope top.

Loretta adding some 'Carmen Miranda' flair.

Sophia making the best at what is most likely a bad hair day.
Louise showing me that I too could make this work.

Joan bedazzling her turban, naturally.

Rudy showing men that turbans(and pearls)aren't just for girls.

Gloria horrified at seeing Valentino stealing her look.

Ann working the errands looking turban-tastic.

What do you think?
(Other than Valentino needs a new stylist)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Quote Of The Day

"It's said in Hollywood that you should always forgive your enemies because you never know when you'll have to work with them."

-Lana Turner

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's A Jungle Out There

We have all seen the stars with their favorite dog or family pet, but these oldies share time with the wild side...

Gene Tierney and her friend in the same outfit.

James Cagney was a cubs fan.

Dorothy Lamour fighting with her boyfriend.

Donald O'Connor thinks the jokes on him.

Jean Harlow on the lamb.

Only Ann Margret would give her turtle an umbrella!

Joan Blondell and her pal making a fashion statment.

Oh, just Louise Brooks and a koala.

Norma Shearer monkeying around.

Katharine Hepburn bringing up her baby.

Buster Keaton and his sailor friend.

Rudy Valentino, so serious!